FiberNorth is preventing flooding

A couple of years ago, FiberNorth was contracted to move water from the front of some condominiums to the pond behind them.  Looking at the job, there was no easy way to move the water, they were looking at a pump system, as the water would have to go up before going down to the pump.  After some looking, we decided to install a drain tile system buried in stone, that dumped into a tank, then drained out a pipe that was drilled in to grade directly to the pond.  This is a completely passive system (no power needed).  After doing the job, we kind of forgot about it.  Long story short, it worked.   And it worked so well, we have now been contracted again to fix some more water issues.  If you have a water issue and need to get the water moving so that your property does not flood, give us a call, we would be happy to look at it for you.

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